
I Love But Hate You YouTube

Ah YouTube, a joyous place where we can watch whatever we want; albeit its toxic comment threads that I no longer participate in. Lately, I've noticed that the website is becoming greedier and stricter by the minute. It all started with the changes made on the site over the past several years. First, it was… Continue reading I Love But Hate You YouTube


YouTube Videos I Make a Ritual

It's easy to kill time on YouTube and I find myself watching certain videos on a ritualistic level. One of the reasons could be because it gives me a massive dose of nostalgia or it takes stress away instantly. Yes, rituals, as an aspie, it's very common. For anyone on the spectrum, really. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/YouTube_social_white_square_%282017%29.svg/1200px-YouTube_social_white_square_%282017%29.svg.png Here… Continue reading YouTube Videos I Make a Ritual