
Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better

With this year coming to a close, many of us are feeling extremely relieved. For me, it's just another year passing, but yes the pandemic made it a crappy one. Everyone's counting the days until this year ends yes, but I would rather count the days until this coronavirus is eradicated. What year it is… Continue reading Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better


The Super Happy Love Award

Well, look at this, another nomination and this time something totally new! Now we're talking. Michelle at A Geek Girl's Guide nominated me for this award. This is going to be fun to write because I love gushing about the things I love! Rules: Thank the person who tagged you, thank you so much Michelle!… Continue reading The Super Happy Love Award


Darksiders Warmastered Edition – The Unbroken 7th Seal

At last, I have completed my first journey with one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and I couldn't be more satisfied. This journey all started with the revamped edition of the first Darksiders game. I was drawn to play this series starting with this one when I saw a trailer with epic music… Continue reading Darksiders Warmastered Edition – The Unbroken 7th Seal


Blogger Recognition Award + Nominees

So, this is what happens when I disappear due to being busy with work! I've been nominated for many different blogger awards since I moved here to WordPress, some of them have been recurring but this one is brand spank and new for me. I have been nominated by the lovely Megan who runs A… Continue reading Blogger Recognition Award + Nominees


Mobile Games I’ve Played Then Stopped

Everyone's played a mobile game at some point. They can eat up at your time, they make you impatient sometimes, and they might even make you open your wallet! But like any other game, they are overall addictive. Sometimes I wonder if mobile games are part of the reason for the growth of the female… Continue reading Mobile Games I’ve Played Then Stopped