
Changes For Visitors

Greetings pyjaks. I wanted to share a little update about what's been going on this blog and some recent changes that will affect visitors. The first being that I have purchased a domain for this blog so you might wanna re-save bookmarks. You might also see ads on the site, and as annoying as they… Continue reading Changes For Visitors


You Are Not The English Police

Hear me out. We should all presume good intent, but sometimes there are moments when it just crosses the line and we just want to be able to do what we want. As a writer, I like to ensure what I'm saying makes sense and always check my spelling and grammar before publishing. However, mistakes… Continue reading You Are Not The English Police


Are You Not Entertained Sorcerer?

I swear, I love it when I sing in my dreams, no matter what I am doing. There was even a dream where I was singing this original song and what sucked is I could not recall the lyrics in reality for me to write it down, or the melody. In this dream, it's like… Continue reading Are You Not Entertained Sorcerer?


I Traded A Tweet For a Toot

What the hell am I talking about you ask? I decided it was time for another change in my online life. I normally don't talk about these things; I just brush them off and stick to the subjects I want to talk about, and I don't do anything unless something affects me. That is what… Continue reading I Traded A Tweet For a Toot


Yeah I Did Blaugust, Here’s Why I Don’t

Welcome back to my musings! After participating in Blaugust last month, I decided to take a break. I was going on vacation anyway so then felt like a good time to take a blogging vacation as well. I have heard of Blaugust for years since moving to WordPress. Some people were asking me if I… Continue reading Yeah I Did Blaugust, Here’s Why I Don’t


Grammarly Premium Should I Use It?

When I'm considering what to write for a blog post or a fanfiction, the words come to me like wildfire as I brainstorm or speak it out loud when I'm alone of course, but the moment I sit down to actually write it, it feels like my brain just went blank. Then before I know… Continue reading Grammarly Premium Should I Use It?


Fanfiction Sites – Why I Am On Wattpad

As someone with a passion for writing, I also enjoy writing stories, but it's more of something I do for fun rather than trying to monetize it or publish a book. One of my good friends loves to write stories. Sometimes he writes fanfiction and sometimes he writes original stories too. One of them he… Continue reading Fanfiction Sites – Why I Am On Wattpad


I Love But Hate You YouTube

Ah YouTube, a joyous place where we can watch whatever we want; albeit its toxic comment threads that I no longer participate in. Lately, I've noticed that the website is becoming greedier and stricter by the minute. It all started with the changes made on the site over the past several years. First, it was… Continue reading I Love But Hate You YouTube