
Carrion – I Am The Monster

I never knew reverse horror games existed. I actually came across this game before and liked the idea, but I wasn't sure about the graphics. I thought that it was better suited to be say, first-person like how the AVP game, when you play as a Yautja or Xenomorph. But then I decided to give… Continue reading Carrion – I Am The Monster

Stray title

Stray – Escape From Robot Dystopia

Finally, I have picked up this adorable game that I pre-purchased in a heartbeat due to the discount! I should have played it sooner, but I am a patient gamer, as you know. On the other hand, I am instantly drawn to games that feature cats in any way and this is the best cat… Continue reading Stray – Escape From Robot Dystopia


Call of the Sea – Whispers of the Deep Ones

That was certainly, unexpected. You know what they say, or maybe this is just what I say. Video games have more hidden in the story than what they show you to a point where I was like, what in the name of Dagon is going on here? Oh wait, yes! Y' ph'nglui ah wgah'nagl! Anyway,… Continue reading Call of the Sea – Whispers of the Deep Ones


My Steam Replay of 2023

It's time, pyjaks, time to see what I've been up to with gaming in summary via PC. I was not surprised with the results because I did not play too many new games this year compared to last. In summary, I didn't play as many games this year, but I did have a lot of… Continue reading My Steam Replay of 2023


Nintendo Switch Year in a Review 2023

I didn't play a lot of Switch games this year, but I did have a few episodes at certain times where I felt like picking them up and grinding a little, so hey, it's something. Now it seems every company is jumping the bandwagon for summarizing what you play, read, listen to, etc. now it's… Continue reading Nintendo Switch Year in a Review 2023


Lost Ember – Tale of Betrayal

I have been playing a lot of games featuring animals lately. What can I say? Who doesn't want to explore a different perspective? That is exactly what this game is about. In Lost Ember, a wolf and a wandering spirit live in a world devoid of humanity where nature has reclaimed the Earth. The two… Continue reading Lost Ember – Tale of Betrayal


Steam Autumn Sale 2023 – What I Bought

Ah yes it's Steam sale time! There were some really great deals this time. I ended up treating myself due to taking time off work so hey there we go. As usual I only bought games that were on sale for under $10 and it only equaled to a total of $30 Onde I tried… Continue reading Steam Autumn Sale 2023 – What I Bought