
Steam Winter Sale 2022 – What I Bought

What a haul! I rarely buy things for the winter sale but this time I decided to. This will probably keep me busy into 2023. I still have other games waiting to be played and with a Steam Deck, I've been able to tackle my backlog faster. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which… Continue reading Steam Winter Sale 2022 – What I Bought


Steam Scream Fest 2022 – What I Bought

We're just wrapping up the Steam Scream Fest of 2022 and I didn't want to buy anything at first. Hell, I almost wanted to buy every remaining horror game on my wishlist but I wanted to stick to a budget. But some deals were pretty difficult to ignore so here's my haul. The Whisperer I… Continue reading Steam Scream Fest 2022 – What I Bought


Steam Deck Rambles – Arrival and Playtime

I waited a whole year for this and it finally came! When Valve first announced the Steam Deck last year, I was pretty open-minded about it. I placed my reservation for the most expensive model because having more than enough storage space is essential. One year and seven weeks later I did not get my… Continue reading Steam Deck Rambles – Arrival and Playtime


Steam Summer Sale 2022 – What I Bought

Well well, I guess it's that time again, I didn't want to buy anything, my haul last year was considerably larger but there were a few games that I couldn't resist getting, some of them were on sale for deals too difficult for me to ignore. I told myself I was going to get a… Continue reading Steam Summer Sale 2022 – What I Bought


Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions

Is there a heart inside the chest of the android? What do you see, machine or man? Sing it with me now! That's the perfect song to describe a game like Detroit: Become Human! It is also the first game I've played that started as a PlayStation exclusive before it branched out to PC. I… Continue reading Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions


Steam Deck Thoughts – What Can We Expect?

It's a brand new event for gamers all around. I'm late to write about this due to focus on other articles, writing projects elsewhere, work, and other hobbies. But hey better late than never right? It was a nice rainy morning on my day off when I logged onto Steam as usual to pick something… Continue reading Steam Deck Thoughts – What Can We Expect?