TV Series

Tossing Coins to Witchers

I'm really enjoying Netflix's new Witcher series and am just wrapping up my second session of watching the first season. It may be hard to follow at first because each character's story arc starts at different times before they gradually begin to catch up to each other. But, once you go through it again, it… Continue reading Tossing Coins to Witchers

TV Series

Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart

What is the cost of lies? I never thought I'd be writing about a series like this. But now, I am and there's lots to say. I originally was not interested in watching Chernobyl but I had suddenly changed my mind and gave it a go. Not sure why at first, but maybe it was… Continue reading Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart

TV Series

I Want a Daemon

Now that Game of Thrones is over, I'm asking myself what's next until the prequel series comes? HBO showed me incredible things and I'm just itching for more. HBO often announces new upcoming series, especially when another ends. While everyone seemed interested in Chernobyl, I became excited for His Dark Materials. Unpopular opinion here:… Continue reading I Want a Daemon

Gaming, Movies, TV Series

The Fictional Characters Tag

Everyone knows how much I love fictional characters. Some of them I want to date, others I want as a best friend or sibling. None of them are real, but in my heart they are, and they make me happy in the darkest times. So I have decided to create a tag dedicated to fictional… Continue reading The Fictional Characters Tag

TV Series

Don’t Leave Because of Change

I didn't want to ever write this, because in the past I've been guilty of it myself. (Bayformers Optimus Prime anyone?) Now that I've matured, I see it in a while different light. Whether it's a movie, TV show, or video game now that I look back at it: I see fans surrender their loyalty… Continue reading Don’t Leave Because of Change