
Forever Princess – A Writer in her Prime

This is it, I've made it to the conclusion of this series at long last. If I had committed to reading it sooner back in high school, then I would have known everything from it by heart now from rereading! There were a lot of surprises but there were also plenty of things that I… Continue reading Forever Princess – A Writer in her Prime


Princess Mia – Ancestry Secrets

This book was also hard to read in the beginning because it started off really rough and repetitive with Mia's depression over the fact that she's lost Michael, the love of her life, but J.P. tries to comfort her by first taking her to see her favourite Broadway musical. It's kind of like in the… Continue reading Princess Mia – Ancestry Secrets


Princess on the Brink – Disaster Strikes

This was the hardest novel to read in the series that gives me mixed emotions. The first time I read it was in high school. I found it in the library but never borrowed it. I just doggy-eared where I left off, put it back on the shelf, and came back the next day on… Continue reading Princess on the Brink – Disaster Strikes


Valentine Princess – My Funny Valentine

Another short novella done before I return to the regular series. I almost read this in one sitting but I fell asleep before I could and finished it up the next day instead. This one was a bit confusing because it's listed as taking place before the eighth book but after Sweet Sixteen Princess, but… Continue reading Valentine Princess – My Funny Valentine


Party Princess – Chaotic Council Crisis

Or should I call it CCC? Anyway, I may have said this before but this is the very first book I read from this series. Back when I didn't know what I was getting myself into and could only pick up pieces of what was happening. I assumed the book series was going to take… Continue reading Party Princess – Chaotic Council Crisis


Princess in Training – I Wanna Be Elected

I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice,I wanna be elected,I'm your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce,I wanna be elected,Kids want a savior, don't need a fake,I wanna be elected,We're all gonna rock to the rules that I make,I wanna be elected, I can't help myself there! This book series… Continue reading Princess in Training – I Wanna Be Elected


Princess in Pink – Dreams of the Prom

Okay, I've actually read this book at least twice when I was in my preteen years and it's only this time do I recall things from it much better than I did years ago. I feel like there is also a time gap present so maybe I am missing a book in this series of… Continue reading Princess in Pink – Dreams of the Prom


Princess in Waiting – Talents Are Hidden Everywhere

Well, I'm back to reading this series that I never completed in my teen years, sans a few of the books. I seem to breeze through each of them in just a week or even a few days if I binge. No matter, here are my thoughts on the fourth volume. So, the book starts… Continue reading Princess in Waiting – Talents Are Hidden Everywhere


Princess in Love – Snowflakes and Roses

Okay, so this is one of the books in this series that I actually read a long time ago. I had a mass-market paperback and didn't know what led up to the events of the story as well, but now that I'm reading this whole series, I have a better sense of what's happening. Mia… Continue reading Princess in Love – Snowflakes and Roses


Princess in the Spotlight – The Secret Admirer

I had this draft on hold for so long in my list of drafts and now I can finally publish it as I finished the book it focuses on. Go me. Things are starting to dramatic in this series and now I see how things tie to the volumes that I did read when I… Continue reading Princess in the Spotlight – The Secret Admirer