Music and Bands

What I Listened to in 2023

It's that time of year again where I talk about the music that I listened to the most..... in my digital library of music I own or things on places like YouTube. As you know, I am not a streamer when it comes to music so I don't rely on apps to track what my… Continue reading What I Listened to in 2023

Music and Bands

The Wonders Still Awaiting – Stories of Worlds Reborn

Not only did we get a new album from Delain early in the year but Xandria, too. This just keeps getting better. Xandria was also a band that I thought was done for, but unlike Delain, they didn't completely split and get a bunch of new members. Xandria did change singers again, bringing in Ambre… Continue reading The Wonders Still Awaiting – Stories of Worlds Reborn

Music and Bands

Dark Waters – Paradise Beneath A Flame

Delain is back with a brand new lineup and new music and I was really optimistic about it since I enjoyed the sound and Diana's voice from the first single. I bought the album right away and I think the sound is a lot heavier than the last album that I listened to which was… Continue reading Dark Waters – Paradise Beneath A Flame

Music and Bands

Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

It's another month gone and the biggest highlight for me this month is I purchased my first car which I love. It feels good to be able to get around more easily as before I was just walking, taking the bus or getting a lift which is more time-consuming. You can imagine a lot of… Continue reading Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

Music and Bands

Go Beneath the Wonders Far Colossal – Music of December 2022

It's time to close one door and open another. With 2022 coming to an end I like to take a moment to reflect on my achievements this year. I don't believe in the "new year, new me" crap because I haven't had an identity crisis since high school. I'm still the same person, I won't… Continue reading Go Beneath the Wonders Far Colossal – Music of December 2022

Music and Bands

What I Listened to in 2022

It's that time of year again. People are letting an app track what they listen to and show them what they listened to the most by the final month of the calendar year. Meanwhile, I am sitting over here all old school letting my brain decipher from my own library of records to determine what… Continue reading What I Listened to in 2022

Music and Bands

Word Hellraiser and a Superbeast’s POV Souls – Music of September 2022

It's autumn and it's the end of another month. I had a lot happen in September, I travelled for the first time in two years and played some new games so there's a lot going on for me. I also have been discovering new bands and all of the shows that I watch are coming… Continue reading Word Hellraiser and a Superbeast’s POV Souls – Music of September 2022

Music and Bands

The Life and Times of Scrooge – Escape into Dreamtime

I decided it was time to review this album that I initially forgot existed until now. It started when I joined a Nightwish Discord server (I had joined two actually after receiving some info from a kind member of the first one who told me they were glad I felt welcome but also warned me… Continue reading The Life and Times of Scrooge – Escape into Dreamtime

Music and Bands

Omega – The Sovereign Abyss

I really get a kick out of Epica's latest album so why not review it? I also meant to do The Holographic Principle which was amazing but first, I'll be starting with Omega. Initially, I only was listening to three songs on this album but as I have preached many times, you can discover new… Continue reading Omega – The Sovereign Abyss

Music and Bands

The Favourite Bands Tag

It's time that I create another tag, and this one hit me out of the blue as one of the blogging ideas that I've been having lately. So I'm starting August strong with a fun post like this one that you can do too! In this particular tag I'm going to be talking about bands!… Continue reading The Favourite Bands Tag