Music and Bands

Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Why does April have to be a month of misfortunes for me? Last year it was my Instagram being hacked and this year I hurt my left thumb and began to experience episodes of sharp pain and inflammation. I went to my physiotherapist who gave me treatment and exercises to help it feel better and… Continue reading Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Music and Bands

My Favourite Metal Mascots

I love talking about all things metal and now it's time to share another aspect that I love about the genre. While I love some bands that have a strong visual image like KISS, Lordi, Ghost, GWAR, etc. there are also bands that don't dress up on stage, but they do have a mascot that… Continue reading My Favourite Metal Mascots

Music and Bands

Stand Red Hungry a Psychosocial Rebel – Music of January 2023

Welcome to the first edition of 2023! I decided to start writing this on Sunday since I was scheduled for a shift on the actual last day of this month so here we go. This month's songs are filled with nostalgia and emotion for me so it's going to be interesting. Some of the songs… Continue reading Stand Red Hungry a Psychosocial Rebel – Music of January 2023

Music and Bands

Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Happy Halloween! Unfortunately, I don't get much of a Halloween this year because I was working night shifts right around the time of the celebration so I made up for it by getting into the spooky spirit all month long. (well I do that every year anyway). I am playing so many games right now… Continue reading Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Music and Bands

Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021

I slept all morning after working my last night shift for the month and woke once I started to crave some tea. Before working nights for the first time in October, I read countless tips online about how to survive them. Some people said drink your caffeine or take an afternoon nap prior to the… Continue reading Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021

Music and Bands

Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

I didn't do a lot of blogging this month because I decided to take a two week break to catch up on some Wattpad fanfiction work. The result of that was I finished a story that was an extended version of a dream that I had, got another chapter published of one story that seems… Continue reading Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

Music and Bands

Say, Gimme a Supernova with Templars playing Music – Music of May 2020

Another month, another set of music. This blog is really growing, why didn't I start on this platform at the beginning? No matter, I'm here now right? Let's dive in! Christy Carlson Romano - Say the Word I used to listen to this song on repeat back in my middle school days because back… Continue reading Say, Gimme a Supernova with Templars playing Music – Music of May 2020

Music and Bands

Battle Ready for the Third Uprising

WARSAW RISE!!!!! .......and cue the epic riff! Well, here I am post-gig after Sabaton last night with a sore throat but a happy heart. It felt like only yesterday that I scored a ticket and the gig came up so fast. I had placement to focus on and almost forgot that it was happening until… Continue reading Battle Ready for the Third Uprising