Music and Bands

Keep It Clean, Let Me Sing

I love rock and metal music, there is no question about it. But some particular subgenres are an acquired taste that just aren't for me. Spend enough time around me, or maybe even a little bit, and you'll get to know what kind of music I listen to. While I have a variety of tastes,… Continue reading Keep It Clean, Let Me Sing


Female Gamer Mythbusting

It's not easy being a gamer that's for sure, it's sometimes even harder to be a gamer and be female. We've come a long way given that we now make up at least 50% of the global gaming population. But aside from the usual problems we still face like harassment, lack of opportunities/revenue if we… Continue reading Female Gamer Mythbusting


Like I’m The Only Girl In The Fandom

Growing up, I was used to being the only girl in situations like groups in school or other activities. One year, I joined a social skills club that took place every Saturday afternoon and all of the other kids were guys, except me. Then there was the time I took drama class in high school,… Continue reading Like I’m The Only Girl In The Fandom