
Fictional Characters I’d Do a Night Out With

I should really start to jump on some trends my fellow bloggers are writing about. It could really help my fanbase grow. This topic was one I found through Jennifer who runs her blog The Nerd Mom. She's a stay-at-home mom who writes a lot of geeky stuff like me so please feel free to… Continue reading Fictional Characters I’d Do a Night Out With

Music and Bands

Architecture Time On the Secret Shores – Music of September 2019

Well here we are, I made it through my second month on my new job and I feel like this month's songs all came to me so quickly before we were even halfway through September. Only because I remembered to write them down! As you can see, I'm trying to make these titles make more… Continue reading Architecture Time On the Secret Shores – Music of September 2019


First Year At Sunrise Farm

Hello everyone. I haven't played Stardew Valley in over a month now since I've been heavily focused on Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC, but last time I played, a lot has happened since my first update so I think it's time to share another before I return to the game. This time, a lot… Continue reading First Year At Sunrise Farm


Welcome to Stardew Valley

Greetings everyone, the past month I've been getting back into simulation games and after hearing a lot from my fellow bloggers raving about Stardew Valley, I decided to give it a shot. I've played simulation games before, but they were hard to commit to because they either ran along with real-time or had microtransactions. (I'm… Continue reading Welcome to Stardew Valley

Music and Bands

A Speechless Birdie and Clarity Angel Overture – Music of June 2019

So, here we are at another month's end. While half of it consisted of me finishing up my training and getting licensed, the other half dragged, but it'll only be temporary. Here are the highlights: 5. Naomi Scott - Speechless I went to see the Aladdin remake this month and it was really good.… Continue reading A Speechless Birdie and Clarity Angel Overture – Music of June 2019