fandoms, Life

I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions

Remember when Facebook was just about you hit "Like" on something and leave it be if you had nothing else to say? Ah, those were the days.... not anymore. When I was in college, Facebook released an update that allowed us to now "react" to posts to show the OP how their audience felt about… Continue reading I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions


Uglies – Rebellion Against Plastic Surgery

Sounds like quite the relevant title for this review don't you think? I first heard of this series back in high school when the first novel was one of the books I could choose to read in English class, so I went with it and remembered reading it and liking the concept. Now, here I… Continue reading Uglies – Rebellion Against Plastic Surgery


The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Hollywood has discovered that redoing certain films is the perfect cash grab. But, a lot of people seem to be against the idea of movie remakes because they believe they are meant to "ruin" the original film if anything is changed. I for one have no issues with remakes, I think they bring in a… Continue reading The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle