
I Love But Hate You YouTube

Ah YouTube, a joyous place where we can watch whatever we want; albeit its toxic comment threads that I no longer participate in. Lately, I've noticed that the website is becoming greedier and stricter by the minute. It all started with the changes made on the site over the past several years. First, it was… Continue reading I Love But Hate You YouTube


A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words – My Private Instagram

Ah Instagram, the joyous place of taking endless photos, stories, and even more like they're trying to have everything in one place! I enjoy using it more than Facebook because there is often less drama there, but that doesn't mean it's a place I consider safe. You'd think that as a blogger, you'd want my… Continue reading A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words – My Private Instagram


Opinions are Forbidden – Except Here

Welcome to the Internet where you are not allowed to state your opinion if it's negative in any form. I always preach that sometimes a negative opinion is best left to yourself, especially if you plan to use a lot of profanity, no constructive reasons to support that said opinion, or it promotes targeting a… Continue reading Opinions are Forbidden – Except Here


Top Things That Need To Come To Canada

There are so many things I want in life, but they are simply out of reach because where they originate can't set foot in my country for some reason or because it doesn't have as big of a fanbase or demand. Some of it is beauty products, some of it is music-related, and other things… Continue reading Top Things That Need To Come To Canada


The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Hollywood has discovered that redoing certain films is the perfect cash grab. But, a lot of people seem to be against the idea of movie remakes because they believe they are meant to "ruin" the original film if anything is changed. I for one have no issues with remakes, I think they bring in a… Continue reading The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle