
Infiltration for the Inator

Did the title make you think of Doofenschmirtz? Good. I actually discovered the "inator" term before I even saw episodes of Phineas and Ferb. This dream feels like a trip down memory lane as back in my preteen years, I used to imagine "episodes" of my Star Wars OC, foiling schemes that General Grievous was… Continue reading Infiltration for the Inator


Steam Wishlist Highlights

I've wishlisted a lot of games lately, especially thanks to Gamescom this year. but I want to talk about two games I didn't realize existed or were coming soon that blew my mind in a heartbeat. Right now there are two that stand out the most that I can't wait to get my hands on.… Continue reading Steam Wishlist Highlights


Subnautica – Ever So Far Beneath

I've played many open world games before, but I've never played one that adds survival elements to it where you have to keep yourself fed and hydrated as you explore. Skyrim added this feature with their anniversary update but I never bothered with it. Now, imagine an open world survival game where you not only… Continue reading Subnautica – Ever So Far Beneath


Dead Space (Remastered) – Back to the Ishimura

Another classic game has got the treatment of being redone with better graphics and gameplay, and that game is Dead Space. It took me a long time to finish the original game but I breezed through this remaster in less time than I thought. It is faithful and yet provides some changes that were either… Continue reading Dead Space (Remastered) – Back to the Ishimura


Wandering Bride

Just when I finished writing my last dream, my brain decided to give me another! I'm not going to share the first half because it was very disturbing and upsetting so I'll keep it brief. I was walking through a shop and then a city wearing a long red and white outfit similar to the… Continue reading Wandering Bride


Meridian in Starlight

Avad is such a romantic and more and more in my dreams foreshadow the final battle to come. I had a series of dreams the other night and some of them were linked and others not so much. The first I remember was a scene from The Mummy Returns. I was in my house alone… Continue reading Meridian in Starlight