
The Viscount Who Loved Me – Fear of Mortality

Well, that was certainly dramatic, in fact I think it was better than the first one. That's right, I have finished the second Bridgerton novel. Books are still superior to TV shows so while y'all gawk at the latter, this is what I am engrossing myself in and this time Anthony gets to shine after… Continue reading The Viscount Who Loved Me – Fear of Mortality


Princess in Training – I Wanna Be Elected

I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice,I wanna be elected,I'm your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce,I wanna be elected,Kids want a savior, don't need a fake,I wanna be elected,We're all gonna rock to the rules that I make,I wanna be elected, I can't help myself there! This book series… Continue reading Princess in Training – I Wanna Be Elected


The Fault In Our Stars – Mutual Struggles Unite One Another

Okay, I've actually read this book twice now and I don't know what I had in me to read it again. Maybe I just wanted to approach it from another perspective. A lot of people seem to love it, that it's the saddest love story they've ever read and eventually watched as there's a movie… Continue reading The Fault In Our Stars – Mutual Struggles Unite One Another


Dukes, Actually – Learning to Flirt with the Girl Next Door

Another book in this heartwarming series is complete! I have been feeling sick lately with a cold and some ongoing nerve pain for the past few weeks so I ended up taking a few sick days after the Easter weekend, so I am hoping I will be ready physically and mentally to return to work… Continue reading Dukes, Actually – Learning to Flirt with the Girl Next Door


Never Say Duke – A Sheltered Maiden and a Viscount

It's been a while since I read something in this series. I took a break to see if I could commit to the anthology I was trying to give a chance, but you all know how well that went so I'm back to this lovely heartwarming series. The fourth volume focuses on Viscount Theo... I… Continue reading Never Say Duke – A Sheltered Maiden and a Viscount


Kiss of a Duke – Scent of Seduction

It's time for me to talk about the 2nd book in the 12 dukes of Christmas series. I was excited to jump into this one because I was looking forward to the comedy and just the general feel-good aspect of the story. After all, it's a romance that still has development but isn't extremely complex… Continue reading Kiss of a Duke – Scent of Seduction