Music and Bands

Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Welcome to the first monthly music edition of 2022! Some of these songs I already had lined up to feature even before January even arrived. What can I say? I like to plan ahead! Battle Beast - Eye Of The Storm I've asked myself this question before but why don't I listen to this… Continue reading Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Music and Bands

Don’t Wanna Love the Flies and Devil Second – Music of January 2020

Well, here we go with the first post of 2020, featuring the music that would describe my January. I gotta say that it got really interesting since I finally got around to listening to some new albums I've received, plus a dose of nostalgia. Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Wanna Stop This is actually… Continue reading Don’t Wanna Love the Flies and Devil Second – Music of January 2020

Music and Bands

Thunder I Rock with Death and Mary – Music of October 2019

I had to work on Halloween so the only thing I could do is wear my neon pink NYX lip gloss and colourful eyeshadow along with my Frollo rings! Welcome to the life of working in healthcare. I'm going to get started now. 5. Helloween - Waiting for the Thunder I didn't realize that… Continue reading Thunder I Rock with Death and Mary – Music of October 2019