Stray title

Stray – Escape From Robot Dystopia

Finally, I have picked up this adorable game that I pre-purchased in a heartbeat due to the discount! I should have played it sooner, but I am a patient gamer, as you know. On the other hand, I am instantly drawn to games that feature cats in any way and this is the best cat… Continue reading Stray – Escape From Robot Dystopia


Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist

I totally forgot about Gamescom, another big event to showcase upcoming games. But then I remembered it was toward the end of August. I didn't really watch any of the livestream or play any demos since I was quite busy over the weekend. So I just scrolled through all the games and checked out trailers… Continue reading Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist


Horizon Zero Dawn – Ancient War Machines Arise

What a ride! It took me a whole year to complete this game because I was very conservative when I played since I did not wish to be disturbed. I am so glad I picked it up because I became hooked instantly and am so excited to share my thoughts! This is the second major… Continue reading Horizon Zero Dawn – Ancient War Machines Arise


In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI

Good thing I get an extra day off, otherwise I'd be scrambling to try and write this dream during my lunch break. I worked the Civic long weekend so that's why I'm here now. I didn't want to use the word apocalypse in this article's title, but it was the only thing that fit. To… Continue reading In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI

TV Series

War For Cybertron Returns

Writing this is overdue and with it about a month away, now's the time. My favourite part of the Transformers franchise has always been the war on Cybertron before it comes to Earth: no humans, no eye candy, just Autobots fighting Decepticons. Netflix announced that it will be releasing a series about the war for… Continue reading War For Cybertron Returns


The Dysfunctional Decepticons

Awww yay! Another Transformers related dream where Optimus and I go for a drive off into the sunset! Psych! Actually this dream was pretty disturbing that pictures won't be necessary. Seriously, have you remembered the times from a few of the Transformers movies where Megatron was all like: "Let me strip the very flesh from… Continue reading The Dysfunctional Decepticons