
Why I’m Reading More Books

In a world where we have access to so much entertainment, I find myself reading more and more these days. Ever since covid started, I was cooped at home with not much to do outside of work. When I wasn't always writing or gaming, I began to reintroduce things I didn't do regularly in my… Continue reading Why I’m Reading More Books


So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds

We're back on Dawn Rochelle's journey. After her bone marrow transplant, she returns to the cancer camp as a counsellor this time. This was a much different take than the last volume and introduces several new characters such as Marlee, a girl with cancer still on chemo, and Brent, Sandy's brother. I'll admit when I… Continue reading So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds


Still Me – Identity Crisis

I have made it to the end of this trilogy of Louisa Clark's journey, and I think it's safe to say this book was extremely predictable. When Lou arrives in New York, she is working a job as an assistant to the young wife of an entrepreneur and my first thoughts were, does Agnes have… Continue reading Still Me – Identity Crisis


Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better

With this year coming to a close, many of us are feeling extremely relieved. For me, it's just another year passing, but yes the pandemic made it a crappy one. Everyone's counting the days until this year ends yes, but I would rather count the days until this coronavirus is eradicated. What year it is… Continue reading Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better