fandoms, Life

I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions

Remember when Facebook was just about you hit "Like" on something and leave it be if you had nothing else to say? Ah, those were the days.... not anymore. When I was in college, Facebook released an update that allowed us to now "react" to posts to show the OP how their audience felt about… Continue reading I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions


A Return to Sinnoh – Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends Arceus

The rumors are true ladies and gentlemen and it is just as I predicted. Two days ago, the Pokemon Facebook page made an announcement that there will be a presentation on new Pokemon games coming out later this year and the next. Since they were remastering a lot of the older games, my fingers were… Continue reading A Return to Sinnoh – Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends Arceus