
Call of the Sea – Whispers of the Deep Ones

That was certainly, unexpected. You know what they say, or maybe this is just what I say. Video games have more hidden in the story than what they show you to a point where I was like, what in the name of Dagon is going on here? Oh wait, yes! Y' ph'nglui ah wgah'nagl! Anyway,… Continue reading Call of the Sea – Whispers of the Deep Ones


My Steam Replay of 2023

It's time, pyjaks, time to see what I've been up to with gaming in summary via PC. I was not surprised with the results because I did not play too many new games this year compared to last. In summary, I didn't play as many games this year, but I did have a lot of… Continue reading My Steam Replay of 2023


Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist

I totally forgot about Gamescom, another big event to showcase upcoming games. But then I remembered it was toward the end of August. I didn't really watch any of the livestream or play any demos since I was quite busy over the weekend. So I just scrolled through all the games and checked out trailers… Continue reading Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist


Steam Summer Sale 2023 – What I Bought

Well, I wasn't planning to buy anything from this year's summer sale, but there were some pretty good deals this time around, so yeah, I caved in. Now I want to save up to upgrade some of my specs. I hope to do it before the end of this year. So yeah, without any further… Continue reading Steam Summer Sale 2023 – What I Bought


Cupboards & Drawers – Every Nook and Cranny

I'm back to tidying up all the little things that should be neatly organized! I took a short break from playing this game after encountering some issues with my save data so I when I returned, I had a grind a bit to get back to where I left off. Then the devs announced that… Continue reading Cupboards & Drawers – Every Nook and Cranny


A Little To The Left – Cozy Tidies

One game I originally discovered from Day of the Devs last summer that I was eager to play was A Little To The Left. It was a game that spoke to me immediately with its gameplay of tidying things in different ways that just fed my ASD brain with so much delight. What's also very… Continue reading A Little To The Left – Cozy Tidies


Monument Valley – Sacred Geometry

It took me longer to finish this game than I thought. After beating the main story and managing to finish seven out of the eight bonus chapters, I got stuck at the last one. Then I didn't have any energy to do a short standalone chapter as well. Then I once accidentally deleted my progress.… Continue reading Monument Valley – Sacred Geometry


Steam Winter Sale 2022 – What I Bought

What a haul! I rarely buy things for the winter sale but this time I decided to. This will probably keep me busy into 2023. I still have other games waiting to be played and with a Steam Deck, I've been able to tackle my backlog faster. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which… Continue reading Steam Winter Sale 2022 – What I Bought


A Castle Full of Cats – The Curse of Fofiño

Another great indie game from Devcats has released this month just after Halloween and I was excited to dive into it that I bought it in a heartbeat and it was very affordable no less. It's the same gameplay as its predecessor so I don't have as much to say like my last review. Just… Continue reading A Castle Full of Cats – The Curse of Fofiño