
Princess in Pink – Dreams of the Prom

Okay, I've actually read this book at least twice when I was in my preteen years and it's only this time do I recall things from it much better than I did years ago. I feel like there is also a time gap present so maybe I am missing a book in this series of… Continue reading Princess in Pink – Dreams of the Prom

Life, Movies

Forever in the Barbie World

I wanted to talk about this for a long time and it's going to be quite lengthy. I wasn't sure when it was the right time to let it out about this but any time is good now. Any girl like me from the 90s can remember having lots of Barbie dolls and I had… Continue reading Forever in the Barbie World


The Selection – Competition For His Heart

This is a book series that I stumbled upon in the Kobo store, it interested me right away and I thought it was a fantasy story mostly, but when I actually started reading it, I realized it was fantasy, but also a combination of dystopia too. It's like the Hunger Games, but without competitors killing… Continue reading The Selection – Competition For His Heart