Music and Bands

When Bands Split

Nobody likes to hear when their favorite band disbands, it can be devastating given the influence they have on fans, and lately I saw that this month appears to be the splitting of two bands I know. These bands in terms of how much I love them, on a scale of 1 to 10, are… Continue reading When Bands Split

TV Series

Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart

What is the cost of lies? I never thought I'd be writing about a series like this. But now, I am and there's lots to say. I originally was not interested in watching Chernobyl but I had suddenly changed my mind and gave it a go. Not sure why at first, but maybe it was… Continue reading Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart


We Need To Talk About Black Ariel

Another Disney remake is coming and the cycle may proceed to start once again, with The Little Mermaid. The whole Internet is in an uproar because Disney announced that singer Halle Bailey has been cast as Ariel and the fact that she is black somehow makes her unsuitable for the role. Bull. Shit. Never in… Continue reading We Need To Talk About Black Ariel