
Horizon Zero Dawn – Ancient War Machines Arise

What a ride! It took me a whole year to complete this game because I was very conservative when I played since I did not wish to be disturbed. I am so glad I picked it up because I became hooked instantly and am so excited to share my thoughts! This is the second major… Continue reading Horizon Zero Dawn – Ancient War Machines Arise


Playstation Exclusives I Want On PC

One of the most shocking decisions that Sony made was to start importing their games onto PC. It definitely caught a lot of gamers by surprise, but it's a business strategy that works. Not only does it generate more revenue from sales, but it also expands accessibility for gamers who really want to play those… Continue reading Playstation Exclusives I Want On PC


Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions

Is there a heart inside the chest of the android? What do you see, machine or man? Sing it with me now! That's the perfect song to describe a game like Detroit: Become Human! It is also the first game I've played that started as a PlayStation exclusive before it branched out to PC. I… Continue reading Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions