
To The Sky II

There we go with my dreams again, two nights in a row they turn out to be very vivid and have at least one or two things that I love. I just get too sidetracked to write about all of them in detail as good as some of the ones I've published! In some of… Continue reading To The Sky II

Music and Bands

How To Get Into Heavy Metal

I was inspired to make my own guide for my favorite music genre: heavy metal after seeing one of my fellow bloggers do something alike, but with K-Pop. Metal can be a daunting genre to explore, especially if you're not used to listening to it, and it also consists of several subgenres so you may… Continue reading How To Get Into Heavy Metal

Life, Music and Bands

We Need New Music Now More Than Ever

I've been planning to write this for a while and in the beginning I thought not to because I don't like to talk about real-world events on my blog that put stress on everybody's shoulders, including my own, but sometimes, I do have to let it out for the sake of my mental health. As… Continue reading We Need New Music Now More Than Ever

Music and Bands

Pray Bumblebees find Eva and Shanti Soon – Music of August 2020

Well here we are, another month where I have trouble deciding what to pick for music! I try not to pick songs by certain artists/bands two months in a row in order to have a variety, but sometimes situations in life arise where there's a song by them that totally fits it. The Weeknd feat.… Continue reading Pray Bumblebees find Eva and Shanti Soon – Music of August 2020


No Need To Run, I’m Just Waiting For Someone

I have no interest in getting married now or anytime in the future, but in this dream, I felt like I was running around in a wedding dress the whole time. It was at a concert venue and I was first in line outside the building talking to people and many of them were asking… Continue reading No Need To Run, I’m Just Waiting For Someone


In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI

Good thing I get an extra day off, otherwise I'd be scrambling to try and write this dream during my lunch break. I worked the Civic long weekend so that's why I'm here now. I didn't want to use the word apocalypse in this article's title, but it was the only thing that fit. To… Continue reading In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI

Music and Bands

A Time to Rise on one Final Dawn of Mercy – Music of July 2020

This month has been great for music. I've picked, in my mind, a lot of great stuff. I feel like I'm running out of room for physical CDs so I'm buying digital more these days. At least so I'm still able to call it mine. Deep Purple - Child In Time https://youtu.be/PfAWReBmxEs You have to… Continue reading A Time to Rise on one Final Dawn of Mercy – Music of July 2020

Music and Bands

The Music Habits Tag

Aha! This is a tag for me to really turn it into my own devilish incarnation. pexels.com Reading the questions before deciding to do it myself made me think this is for passive music listeners but I guess people like me who cherish music as much as they would a pet can too. I do… Continue reading The Music Habits Tag

Music and Bands

Don’t Wanna Love the Flies and Devil Second – Music of January 2020

Well, here we go with the first post of 2020, featuring the music that would describe my January. I gotta say that it got really interesting since I finally got around to listening to some new albums I've received, plus a dose of nostalgia. Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Wanna Stop https://youtu.be/2nX6qGeyaGM This is actually… Continue reading Don’t Wanna Love the Flies and Devil Second – Music of January 2020