Music and Bands

My Favourite Metal Mascots

I love talking about all things metal and now it's time to share another aspect that I love about the genre. While I love some bands that have a strong visual image like KISS, Lordi, Ghost, GWAR, etc. there are also bands that don't dress up on stage, but they do have a mascot that… Continue reading My Favourite Metal Mascots

Music and Bands

Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Happy Halloween! Unfortunately, I don't get much of a Halloween this year because I was working night shifts right around the time of the celebration so I made up for it by getting into the spooky spirit all month long. (well I do that every year anyway). I am playing so many games right now… Continue reading Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Music and Bands

The Favourite Bands Tag

It's time that I create another tag, and this one hit me out of the blue as one of the blogging ideas that I've been having lately. So I'm starting August strong with a fun post like this one that you can do too! In this particular tag I'm going to be talking about bands!… Continue reading The Favourite Bands Tag


Together Inferno

I never thought I'd have a dream that features my friends, especially the ones I've met online but not in person. I have many online friends that have stuck around for years and if we could meet up someday, then I would make it happen. Support can be near or far as they say. It… Continue reading Together Inferno

Music and Bands

What I Listened To In 2021

I know what it is I listened to in 2021, and with my impressive memory and digital library owned by myself so that no streaming company can touch it, here's what I was listening to the most in 2021, no Spotify wrapped required! Orden Ogan Orden Ogan finally released their new album Final Days in… Continue reading What I Listened To In 2021

Music and Bands

Parasite Here at the Hunter’s Living Model – Music of October 2021

Happy Halloween everyone! I have been working on the weekend of Halloween so I had to make do with it. What can I say, a job like mine there is no time where things can't be running! I just got home from my 12-hour shift, and I'm pretty pooped. I was hoping would be full… Continue reading Parasite Here at the Hunter’s Living Model – Music of October 2021

Music and Bands

Mementos and Lifestyle Walking into Dominion and Fire – Music of March 2021

Ah I think March goes by too quickly and that can either be a good or bad thing. But it was still full of events for me which made it less boring! Anyway, here we are again with my music. Kamelot - Memento Mori Listening to this album for the first time I remember… Continue reading Mementos and Lifestyle Walking into Dominion and Fire – Music of March 2021

Music and Bands

Final Days – The Sci-Fi Metal Escape

The moment Orden Ogan announced they were releasing a new album and it was going to be all sci-fi, I was super excited and ended up waiting a whole year for it to be released due to delays. It finally arrived in my hands yesterday and right on time! AFM is more punctual than I… Continue reading Final Days – The Sci-Fi Metal Escape

Music and Bands

The Dark Stampede Takes to the Rivers and Inferno – Music of January 2021

Welcome to the first monthly recap in music of 2021! The more I do these, the more it gives me the chance to add in new things to my taste based on bands I love, just discovered, or rediscover songs/artists from my childhood. As I put together this month's songs, I realized there were a… Continue reading The Dark Stampede Takes to the Rivers and Inferno – Music of January 2021

Music and Bands

Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020

Makes no sense again eh? Well too bad! It's the end of 2020 (at last!) would have been a helluva better year if it wasn't for the bloody pandemic. Many of you want this year to be over, I get that, but I just want this pandemic to over, even if that means it goes… Continue reading Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020