Music and Bands

Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Why does April have to be a month of misfortunes for me? Last year it was my Instagram being hacked and this year I hurt my left thumb and began to experience episodes of sharp pain and inflammation. I went to my physiotherapist who gave me treatment and exercises to help it feel better and… Continue reading Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Music and Bands

The Life and Times of Scrooge – Escape into Dreamtime

I decided it was time to review this album that I initially forgot existed until now. It started when I joined a Nightwish Discord server (I had joined two actually after receiving some info from a kind member of the first one who told me they were glad I felt welcome but also warned me… Continue reading The Life and Times of Scrooge – Escape into Dreamtime

Music and Bands

Sound the Amnesia at Night on the Elvenpath of Light – Music of February 2022

Miss me? I did a lot of excessive writing the past few weeks here and my fanfics that I decided to take the rest of last week as a break to just recharge and focus on some other things. I'm watching my email like an eagle for when I can order my Steam Deck and… Continue reading Sound the Amnesia at Night on the Elvenpath of Light – Music of February 2022

Music and Bands

Angels Fall First – Enter the Symphony

I feel like doing another album review! Why not? Sometimes I just root through my collection either on the digital library or cupboard full of physicals and feel like doing another one for no real reason. So how about this time, we go with something really classic. The copy I have is a remastered version… Continue reading Angels Fall First – Enter the Symphony

Music and Bands

What I Listened To In 2021

I know what it is I listened to in 2021, and with my impressive memory and digital library owned by myself so that no streaming company can touch it, here's what I was listening to the most in 2021, no Spotify wrapped required! Orden Ogan Orden Ogan finally released their new album Final Days in… Continue reading What I Listened To In 2021


Run From The Lady To Reach The Maestro

Dreams are so good at foreshadowing things that are going to happen in my life or my hobbies, and they're also good at projecting fantasies into something more vivid. I slept in this morning since I've been working late for two weeks straight and I woke up feeling extremely refreshed, but I go back to… Continue reading Run From The Lady To Reach The Maestro

Music and Bands

Demons and Memories Like Love and Noise – Music of May 2021

I'm back again. I didn't do this last month because of a lot of personal issues and losses I was going through. Even though I had all the songs lined up, I realized that I was just too upset and had all these tearful tunes that would risk me revealing a lot of things that… Continue reading Demons and Memories Like Love and Noise – Music of May 2021

Music and Bands

Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

When virtual shows became a thing last year, I originally shunned them because nothing can replace going to the event myself and seeing it all with my own eyes, even if there was still room for interaction because artists have to make money somehow in times like this. What made me change my mind was… Continue reading Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

books, Music and Bands

Once Upon A Nightwish – The Early Years

Another book down. This one was an early Christmas gift last year and before I read this I felt like, I have loved Nightwish for years but there is so little I know about them. Maybe it's time to learn more, and this book tells the story of the band's formation and era with their… Continue reading Once Upon A Nightwish – The Early Years