
The First Tree – The Appreciation of Life

I finished a short but beautiful indie game recently. There's actually quite a few in my library where you play as a wild animal like a fox. I think this one was the most emotional so far. The First Tree tells parallel stories of a young man reminiscing his estranged relationship with his father, how… Continue reading The First Tree – The Appreciation of Life


Frozen II – The Magic of Nature Second Is The Best

I decided to wait until the hype had died down before finally watching this sequel. Frozen is the latest most popular Disney film franchise that gets over-marketed, but I love it nonetheless, even if the first film has significant plot holes. This sequel definitely answered many of my questions by its end, but it also… Continue reading Frozen II – The Magic of Nature Second Is The Best


Flower – Mother Nature’s Victory

Hello and welcome to another game review! Well actually, welcome to my first game review that is not about a story-rich game. This means there will be a different way that I'll have to write this. Flower is a game just as the title says it is, you simply take control of the wind and… Continue reading Flower – Mother Nature’s Victory