
My Favourite Cinderella Adaptations

Cinderella is one of those classic fairy tales that has been remade time and time again. It's one of my favourite stories that I never get tired of reading or watching about, no matter what version it is. So, we all know the original 1950 one from Disney. While that Cinderella will always remain a… Continue reading My Favourite Cinderella Adaptations

books, Movies

The Back to Hogwarts Tag

I have not done one of these in a while. It isn't easy to squeeze in posts like these among my own while trying to juggle work and other hobbies. But, I figured why not this one? I've been nominated for many but haven't been able to write them lately to pass it on. A… Continue reading The Back to Hogwarts Tag


The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Hollywood has discovered that redoing certain films is the perfect cash grab. But, a lot of people seem to be against the idea of movie remakes because they believe they are meant to "ruin" the original film if anything is changed. I for one have no issues with remakes, I think they bring in a… Continue reading The Movie Remake Reaction Cycle

Gaming, Movies, TV Series

The Fictional Characters Tag

Everyone knows how much I love fictional characters. Some of them I want to date, others I want as a best friend or sibling. None of them are real, but in my heart they are, and they make me happy in the darkest times. So I have decided to create a tag dedicated to fictional… Continue reading The Fictional Characters Tag

TV Series

Don’t Leave Because of Change

I didn't want to ever write this, because in the past I've been guilty of it myself. (Bayformers Optimus Prime anyone?) Now that I've matured, I see it in a while different light. Whether it's a movie, TV show, or video game now that I look back at it: I see fans surrender their loyalty… Continue reading Don’t Leave Because of Change


Top Women That Inspire Me

In honour of International Women's Day, I'd like to write to you about the famous women out there who inspire me to this very day. They have taught me confidence in different forms, to defy certain norms of society, and many more. So, read on if you want to know who they are! Ashley Eckstein… Continue reading Top Women That Inspire Me