Music and Bands

Metal Dystopia Denizens in Powerless Time – Music of November 2023

I got home last nightand was too tired before I could get this published. So I only made time to take care of something urgent before going to bed. I took some time off this month that got me out of a week of night shifts. During that week I assembled some new furniture for… Continue reading Metal Dystopia Denizens in Powerless Time – Music of November 2023

Music and Bands

Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

My blog took a backseat this month due to the pursuit of other projects, I wanted to finish at least two more chapters of my RE8 fanfiction and I did. I was also hoping to publish one more chapter of my Darksiders fanfiction but due to other things that came up, I only managed to… Continue reading Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

Music and Bands

Ich Evilyn with Flowers and Sunshine Above – Music of August 2023

Well, that's a wrap on August. I definitely did not get Rainbow Diamond this year, so I'll just have to wait and see what I qualify for. I also deleted a few posts I was not satisfied with as whenever I try those daily prompts it's almost not worth completely investing in unless this was… Continue reading Ich Evilyn with Flowers and Sunshine Above – Music of August 2023

Music and Bands

Uprising Dust and Misery on a Rocket Man – Music of June 2023

Hello summer and praise the Sun! Haters please exit and don't come back until autumn, I won't warn you again! 2023 feels like a rollercoaster so far this year as first it went up with the adoption of two new cats, purchasing first car which I proudly named after one of Motorhead's underrated albums, and… Continue reading Uprising Dust and Misery on a Rocket Man – Music of June 2023

Music and Bands

Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

That's a wrap on May, my birth month, and on the 7th, that's right, I turned the big 3-0. To some people hitting 30 is a milestone. But for me it's just a number. I'm still the same person with the same passions, dreams, goals, etc. To hell with anyone that says by the age… Continue reading Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

Music and Bands

Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Why does April have to be a month of misfortunes for me? Last year it was my Instagram being hacked and this year I hurt my left thumb and began to experience episodes of sharp pain and inflammation. I went to my physiotherapist who gave me treatment and exercises to help it feel better and… Continue reading Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Music and Bands

Hell’s Hearts Call Music Invictus – Music of March 2023

It's been a pretty interesting month and I spent a lot of it taking Motörizer to the shop and back to fix little things that need some TLC. Yes, I'm calling my first car Motörizer, which makes a great Autobot name, and Motörhead references are unbeatable. As soon as I get a day off and… Continue reading Hell’s Hearts Call Music Invictus – Music of March 2023

Music and Bands

Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

It's another month gone and the biggest highlight for me this month is I purchased my first car which I love. It feels good to be able to get around more easily as before I was just walking, taking the bus or getting a lift which is more time-consuming. You can imagine a lot of… Continue reading Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

Music and Bands

Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Happy Halloween! Unfortunately, I don't get much of a Halloween this year because I was working night shifts right around the time of the celebration so I made up for it by getting into the spooky spirit all month long. (well I do that every year anyway). I am playing so many games right now… Continue reading Soldier Arcane of One Perfect December – Music of October 2022

Music and Bands

Wehrmacht Hopelessly a Curse Forever Patient – Music of August 2022

Well, I did it, 31 posts in a row. I never do this, it's crazy but I thought for fun we would try it this year. I also went through a lot this month, not just being sick with covid but also some other things that I don't wish to discuss in detail here. I… Continue reading Wehrmacht Hopelessly a Curse Forever Patient – Music of August 2022