
Seasons and Ultimate Offers

Let's talk microtransactions again! I am pleased the last time I talked about this it didn't generate hate so in the light of recent events I will be revisiting the topic. I have started playing Sky Children of the Light or simply known as Sky for about a month now and by now I've familiarized… Continue reading Seasons and Ultimate Offers


Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist

I totally forgot about Gamescom, another big event to showcase upcoming games. But then I remembered it was toward the end of August. I didn't really watch any of the livestream or play any demos since I was quite busy over the weekend. So I just scrolled through all the games and checked out trailers… Continue reading Gamescom 2023 – New on Wishlist


Enough With The Noob

One of the many reasons why I choose not to do online multiplayer games anymore is because of the way the community can respond to certain types of players, especially if they are inexperienced. It's been widely accepted as an ongoing joke to anyone who is new to the game and is say, still learning… Continue reading Enough With The Noob