Music and Bands

Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Welcome to the first monthly music edition of 2022! Some of these songs I already had lined up to feature even before January even arrived. What can I say? I like to plan ahead! Battle Beast - Eye Of The Storm I've asked myself this question before but why don't I listen to this… Continue reading Storm Back and Tell the Phantom is on Heroin – Music of January 2022

Music and Bands

Problems With Being A Female Metalhead

It's not easy being a Metalhead in a mainstream world listening to pop or rap music, but being a female Metalhead has unique challenges as well. I fail to understand why there is still some belief that heavy metal is a "boy's genre" it just enforces the stereotype that girls only listen to romantic pop… Continue reading Problems With Being A Female Metalhead

Music and Bands

Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020

What creative titles I come up with when I write these posts! It's weird, but it's how I like to do it. Some people just simply put the music of the month thing, or they do something more general like "Currently...." yadda yadda, but I love using music to describe my life each month, so… Continue reading Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020