Music and Bands

My Favourite Metal Mascots

I love talking about all things metal and now it's time to share another aspect that I love about the genre. While I love some bands that have a strong visual image like KISS, Lordi, Ghost, GWAR, etc. there are also bands that don't dress up on stage, but they do have a mascot that… Continue reading My Favourite Metal Mascots

Music and Bands

Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022

Another month, another set of music to share. I didn't do much blogging in July because I was highly focused on one of my fanfiction projects which I put on hold many times, I even put it was discontinued but decided not to delete it. Then I pushed myself to work on it little by… Continue reading Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022

Music and Bands

Architecture Time On the Secret Shores – Music of September 2019

Well here we are, I made it through my second month on my new job and I feel like this month's songs all came to me so quickly before we were even halfway through September. Only because I remembered to write them down! As you can see, I'm trying to make these titles make more… Continue reading Architecture Time On the Secret Shores – Music of September 2019


Rasputin Knew Wolves Dancing in a Hole – Music of January 2018

Well, we're back again at this routine since we didn't do it last month in order to do a Christmas special. I had to pick songs at the last minute because of my first week on placement. I needed to sacrifice time to make sure I was settled into the atmosphere and get some good… Continue reading Rasputin Knew Wolves Dancing in a Hole – Music of January 2018


Mustaine a Heavy Metal Memoir Book Review: Metal & Relapses *Spoiler Alert*

With more time off on my hands I still enjoy reading, so the next book I decided to read was Dave Mustaine's memoir. I finished it yesterday, now here are my thoughts.....don't read this entry if you haven't read this book yet okay?A wonderful memoir about the epic story of a metal/guitar God. A must… Continue reading Mustaine a Heavy Metal Memoir Book Review: Metal & Relapses *Spoiler Alert*