TV Series

An End of a Surgeon’s Era

Okay so I was going to stay silent but I think the fire has died down enough for me to speak again about this one last time. The Good Doctor has reached its conclusion this month and my thoughts are swimming with surprisingly happy ones. I have previously written about how Shaun Murphy is an… Continue reading An End of a Surgeon’s Era

Life, TV Series

The Problem With Shaun Murphy (From Another Autistic Person’s Perspective)

I've talked before about my love-hate relationships with medical drama TV shows, but the one that is the easiest to pick apart is The Good Doctor due to it's protagonist being on the autism spectrum, like me. Autism is often difficult to represent in the media because it comes in many different forms. Many who… Continue reading The Problem With Shaun Murphy (From Another Autistic Person’s Perspective)


So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds

We're back on Dawn Rochelle's journey. After her bone marrow transplant, she returns to the cancer camp as a counsellor this time. This was a much different take than the last volume and introduces several new characters such as Marlee, a girl with cancer still on chemo, and Brent, Sandy's brother. I'll admit when I… Continue reading So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds