
My Steam Replay of 2023

It's time, pyjaks, time to see what I've been up to with gaming in summary via PC. I was not surprised with the results because I did not play too many new games this year compared to last. In summary, I didn't play as many games this year, but I did have a lot of… Continue reading My Steam Replay of 2023


Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihilation – The New Dominant Races

Another book cleared from the reading backlog! It always feels so good to finish a book. This one was on my list for a while and it was the only Andromeda novel that I was interested in reading since the game ended with a distress call from the Quarian Ark being picked up by Ryder.… Continue reading Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihilation – The New Dominant Races


Things I Like About Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda is one of those games that gets a lot of unnecessary backlash since its release. First, it was because of graphical bugs that did not affect the game's ability to run, but were just minor things that players were nitpicky over. Then it was also due to it not being a sequel… Continue reading Things I Like About Andromeda