Music and Bands

Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

It's the end of May and I have to give myself a mental note to play some more ACNH during June because of Reese and Cyrus's wedding anniversary photoshoot. Apparently, there are lots of cute items you can get! I've also been doing better mentally now because my hacked Instagram account was recently deleted. Not… Continue reading Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

Music and Bands

Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020

Makes no sense again eh? Well too bad! It's the end of 2020 (at last!) would have been a helluva better year if it wasn't for the bloody pandemic. Many of you want this year to be over, I get that, but I just want this pandemic to over, even if that means it goes… Continue reading Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020

Music and Bands

Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019

Well, that's another month gone of 2019, this year is going faster than I thought. Maybe that's what happens when you spend it getting the motor on your career started which is exactly what I've been doing! The past month I spent job hunting and interviewing and now I have landed a full-time job at… Continue reading Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019