
Furry Friends

What is your favorite animal? I have a lot of favorite animals. It's very easy to answer this question with cats because I have two at home and two before them. But I want to talk about another animal I love just as much and it's rabbits. They are so adorable with their tiny faces,… Continue reading Furry Friends


Calmness Within Eden

I think I know why I had this dream. I spent a good portion of one afternoon working on my Darksiders fanfic and finished another chapter where Azrael visits the Makers who are watching over the human survivors. They have just started to see other humans coming back from the Well, albeit not in physical… Continue reading Calmness Within Eden


Metal Attraction

Dreams like these always give me more ideas for my current fanfiction projects that either make the final cut or don't. I am currently working on my Heisenberg fanfiction Metal Thunder after my last dream about Karl inspired me to begin it in the first place, but let's be honest, I was going to create… Continue reading Metal Attraction


An Arishok’s Love

The last romantic Arishok dream I had didn't make it onto this blog because I felt like it was too personal, and to some readers, they might perceive part of it as abuse before love, so I wrote it somewhere else more private heheh.... anyway, it's been too long since I had a Qunari-related dream.… Continue reading An Arishok’s Love


The Super Happy Love Award

Well, look at this, another nomination and this time something totally new! Now we're talking. Michelle at A Geek Girl's Guide nominated me for this award. This is going to be fun to write because I love gushing about the things I love! Rules: Thank the person who tagged you, thank you so much Michelle!… Continue reading The Super Happy Love Award