
Sit Back Relax

How do you unwind after a demanding day? My most demanding days are always the ones where I'm at work, obviously. I have this mental switch inside of me that as soon as I clock out, I'm done. Even if my brain is still replaying scenarios at work that could have gone better like solving… Continue reading Sit Back Relax

Music and Bands

How To Get Into Heavy Metal

I was inspired to make my own guide for my favorite music genre: heavy metal after seeing one of my fellow bloggers do something alike, but with K-Pop. Metal can be a daunting genre to explore, especially if you're not used to listening to it, and it also consists of several subgenres so you may… Continue reading How To Get Into Heavy Metal


How My Days of Binge Watching Ended

We now live in a society where the norm is to spend your spare time binge watching your favourite series. The most common subject I see my friends and coworkers discussing is what they're currently watching, or their latest binge session where they watched more than 5 episodes of something in one night. Thanks to… Continue reading How My Days of Binge Watching Ended


Anxiety Triggers And What To Do About Them

I'm truly flattered by the amount of support and comments that I received the last time I talked about mental health. So, I've decided to share a little more. I mainly talked about anxiety since I think it's something that gets overlooked by other mental conditions. One other particular struggle I deal with in anxiety… Continue reading Anxiety Triggers And What To Do About Them


The Little Things That Matter (And The Ones That Don’t)

Remember Corduroy? It's a children's book where a young girl named Lisa wants to get a teddy bear wearing green overalls at the toy store, but her mother refuses believing that she wouldn't be happy with it because one of the straps was missing a button, but Lisa didn't care either way. After the bear… Continue reading The Little Things That Matter (And The Ones That Don’t)