Life, Music and Bands

We Need New Music Now More Than Ever

I've been planning to write this for a while and in the beginning I thought not to because I don't like to talk about real-world events on my blog that put stress on everybody's shoulders, including my own, but sometimes, I do have to let it out for the sake of my mental health. As… Continue reading We Need New Music Now More Than Ever

Music and Bands

A Playground Legend from a Century ago High above Alejandro – Music of June 2020

It's really hard to make these titles make actual sense. I mean, I could just do what everyone else does when it comes to doing similar stuff every month, but I like to do things differently, so this is my only options. I had to wear a cotton mask to the shoe store today to… Continue reading A Playground Legend from a Century ago High above Alejandro – Music of June 2020