Music and Bands

Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

That's a wrap on May, my birth month, and on the 7th, that's right, I turned the big 3-0. To some people hitting 30 is a milestone. But for me it's just a number. I'm still the same person with the same passions, dreams, goals, etc. To hell with anyone that says by the age… Continue reading Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

Music and Bands

Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

It's the end of May and I have to give myself a mental note to play some more ACNH during June because of Reese and Cyrus's wedding anniversary photoshoot. Apparently, there are lots of cute items you can get! I've also been doing better mentally now because my hacked Instagram account was recently deleted. Not… Continue reading Dreams and Materials Are Legendary Long Reborn – Music of May 2022

Music and Bands

A Time to Rise on one Final Dawn of Mercy – Music of July 2020

This month has been great for music. I've picked, in my mind, a lot of great stuff. I feel like I'm running out of room for physical CDs so I'm buying digital more these days. At least so I'm still able to call it mine. Deep Purple - Child In Time You have to… Continue reading A Time to Rise on one Final Dawn of Mercy – Music of July 2020


Don’t Be Surprised I Will Still Rise

I tried to fall asleep again in the morning to see if that dream would continue, but no avail. It was basically my own version of Katy Perry's Rise music video, only this time I had large dragon wings instead of a parachute attached to me. I was struggling to fly with them for the… Continue reading Don’t Be Surprised I Will Still Rise

Music and Bands

A Speechless Birdie and Clarity Angel Overture – Music of June 2019

So, here we are at another month's end. While half of it consisted of me finishing up my training and getting licensed, the other half dragged, but it'll only be temporary. Here are the highlights: 5. Naomi Scott - Speechless I went to see the Aladdin remake this month and it was really good.… Continue reading A Speechless Birdie and Clarity Angel Overture – Music of June 2019