Music and Bands

Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

That's a wrap on May, my birth month, and on the 7th, that's right, I turned the big 3-0. To some people hitting 30 is a milestone. But for me it's just a number. I'm still the same person with the same passions, dreams, goals, etc. To hell with anyone that says by the age… Continue reading Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023


Brütal Legend – The Power of Metal Against Evil

This game was made for me, wrapped like a present under the Christmas tree with a golden ribbon tied in a neat bow. Why do I say that? Because it has two things I love in one package: fighting demons and heavy metal! I actually finished this game on Jack Black's birthday which was quite… Continue reading Brütal Legend – The Power of Metal Against Evil

Music and Bands

Hall 3 Roadcrew and the Ironhead Aloy – Music of June 2022

Welcome to summer! Don't like it, deal with it! It's been beautiful weather so far, only a couple of days have been really humid but some days have been great where it's warm but windy and not scorching to a point where I can keep my window open on my days off. This month I've… Continue reading Hall 3 Roadcrew and the Ironhead Aloy – Music of June 2022