Music and Bands

Blue Times of Anxiety and Seeing Guardians – Music of April 2020

Another month gone. It feels like it went by so slowly because I go to work, go home, help make dinner, and then play games before I go to bed. So what did I pick this month? Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky This was playing on the radio one morning and I… Continue reading Blue Times of Anxiety and Seeing Guardians – Music of April 2020

Music and Bands

Honey I am a Free Warrior of the Night and Dark – Music of February 2020

It's a Leap Year! How often do these things occur anyway? My social media memories are all screwed up because of this. Instagram thinks it's March 1st when it really isn't. On with the music shall we? Lordi - Like A Bee To The Honey This, time Lordi's gone the experimental route again. This… Continue reading Honey I am a Free Warrior of the Night and Dark – Music of February 2020