Music and Bands

Metal Dystopia Denizens in Powerless Time – Music of November 2023

I got home last nightand was too tired before I could get this published. So I only made time to take care of something urgent before going to bed. I took some time off this month that got me out of a week of night shifts. During that week I assembled some new furniture for… Continue reading Metal Dystopia Denizens in Powerless Time – Music of November 2023

Music and Bands

Positions go Down in Battle and Question the Stardust – Music of February 2021

I never liked how February is such a short month, it always feels like there's so much I want to do and don't get done, like at the start of the month, I put up a story post about the planned articles I had for this month and only two of them are still in… Continue reading Positions go Down in Battle and Question the Stardust – Music of February 2021

Music and Bands

When Bands Split

Nobody likes to hear when their favorite band disbands, it can be devastating given the influence they have on fans, and lately I saw that this month appears to be the splitting of two bands I know. These bands in terms of how much I love them, on a scale of 1 to 10, are… Continue reading When Bands Split