
Alien Isolation – Lost in Sevastopol

This review is for the novelization of the video game, not the game itself. I've tried to finish the game before, the first time I didn't get very far because I was terrible at stealth. Convinced that I would never finish the game, I watched streamers play it and saw how it ended while it… Continue reading Alien Isolation – Lost in Sevastopol


Undead Lord Under A Curse

Once again, dreams are giving me ideas for future fanfiction projects! I can't share all the details here but something tells me this dream, if I turn it into a fanfiction is going to involve curses, zombies and of course THE Zombie if you get my drift. There was one intimate scene I recall from… Continue reading Undead Lord Under A Curse


Alice Madness Returns – The Corrupted Wonderland

Another game review! I'm just on fire with the games in my backlog lately, I think I know why. Ever since I quit Instagram, the pressure to capture everything has dropped tremendously so I can concentrate on what really matters to me. Speaking of which, I do plan to share an update on how I'm… Continue reading Alice Madness Returns – The Corrupted Wonderland


My Favourite Video Game Merchants

In video games, there are always NPCs we interact with. There's NPCs that give us quests and reward us for completing them, those we can start a relationship, with or choices we make will affect their the outcome of their survival. But, one group of NPCs that isn't mentioned a lot is merchants. Any sort… Continue reading My Favourite Video Game Merchants


Call of Cthulhu – Path to Madness

Welcome to my first game review of 2022! Another game beat, it seems that I've spent the last few months clearing the horror games on my backlog the most since I've started to enjoy survival horror games more! This one I had to play since I'm a Lovecraft fan, it's inspired by his most famous… Continue reading Call of Cthulhu – Path to Madness

Music and Bands

What I Listened To In 2021

I know what it is I listened to in 2021, and with my impressive memory and digital library owned by myself so that no streaming company can touch it, here's what I was listening to the most in 2021, no Spotify wrapped required! Orden Ogan Orden Ogan finally released their new album Final Days in… Continue reading What I Listened To In 2021


Dead Space 3 – The Necromorph Moon

I normally don't like leaving game reviews if I didn't like a game, but I will say that yeah this game wasn't for me. But there were a couple of things that made it enjoyable. My friend told me the third Dead Space game was his favourite so I tried to keep an open mind,… Continue reading Dead Space 3 – The Necromorph Moon


Little Misfortune – Fox Protector, Monster Child Abductor

Happiness to the blog! I spent last weekend playing another indie game in the backlog and I am torn whether to consider it an adventure or a horror game because it does have some scary elements to it. Either way, it was an interesting game with beautiful graphics. That game is Little Misfortune. Misfortune is… Continue reading Little Misfortune – Fox Protector, Monster Child Abductor