
Little Nightmares II – Tower of Illusions

It's time to head back into the mysteries of this universe and I have to say that Tarsier Studios nails atmospheric horror for usage of clever and unique animation to create unsettling environments and monsters that appear human but distorted significantly. They combine that with surprising twists in the lore. So I was excited to… Continue reading Little Nightmares II – Tower of Illusions


Dead Space (Remastered) – Back to the Ishimura

Another classic game has got the treatment of being redone with better graphics and gameplay, and that game is Dead Space. It took me a long time to finish the original game but I breezed through this remaster in less time than I thought. It is faithful and yet provides some changes that were either… Continue reading Dead Space (Remastered) – Back to the Ishimura

Music and Bands

The Lunar Injection Kool-Aid Eclipse Conspiracy – Industrial Fortitude

It's almost time for me to see Rob in concert with Alice Cooper so I thought now would be a good time to give another one of this albums a listen and share my thoughts, so why not do that with the latest one. I must say it took me a while to write this… Continue reading The Lunar Injection Kool-Aid Eclipse Conspiracy – Industrial Fortitude


Little Nightmares – Realm of Gluttony

It's time for another horror game review. This time it's an indie title which I added to my library from the Lunar New Year sale this year. I actually enjoyed it more than DARQ, it's another horror game that finds a way to either terrify or make you shudder without using the typical horror cliches… Continue reading Little Nightmares – Realm of Gluttony


Resident Evil 2 – Raccoon City Epidemic

I had no intentions of playing this game at first when it comes to Resident Evil, but as I was branching out in many interests within the gaming world, I changed my mind and decided to give this classic a go. I think this game was a lot more challenging than the other RE games… Continue reading Resident Evil 2 – Raccoon City Epidemic


RE: Village Shadows of Rose – Nightmares of a Daughter

It's time to go back to the village, or at least a portion of it inside the Megamycete. When the Winters Expansion was first announced, I was excited yet skeptical because I was worried if Capcom would give us more content on the Four Lords of the Village, who became fan favourites before the game… Continue reading RE: Village Shadows of Rose – Nightmares of a Daughter


The Shining – Visions of Insanity

I didn't think I was going to finish this book before Halloween. I very much doubted I could since I've been on night shifts this week which means self-care needs extra attention. But, the great thing about the night shift is that when it gets quiet, I can binge-read to my heart's content if I… Continue reading The Shining – Visions of Insanity

Music and Bands

The Sinister Urge – Iron Head in the House

It's time to share my thoughts on another Rob Zombie album! This I'm hoping brings back the readers who loved my last one. I decided to start with another one that I got not long after my first that I'd say might be another The Sinister Urge was planned for quite some time after I… Continue reading The Sinister Urge – Iron Head in the House