Music and Bands

What I Listened to in 2023

It's that time of year again where I talk about the music that I listened to the most..... in my digital library of music I own or things on places like YouTube. As you know, I am not a streamer when it comes to music so I don't rely on apps to track what my… Continue reading What I Listened to in 2023

Music and Bands

My Heaven’s on Fire

This is hard for me to write and I've written difficult articles about KISS before but it's been a long time since. On Wednesday, November 22nd, I was supposed to see KISS live. I had booked time off that week so I wouldn't have to wake up after a night shift to get ready to… Continue reading My Heaven’s on Fire

Music and Bands

Blood, Bones and the Devil House Frankenstein – Music of October 2023

Happy Halloween sick things! 🎃I haven't really done much today since I had to work tomorrow, but I did go out to see the new Five Nights at Freddy's film and I went in an outfit where I tried to look like Alice Cooper but without a wig and top hat. If I don't think… Continue reading Blood, Bones and the Devil House Frankenstein – Music of October 2023

Music and Bands

Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

My blog took a backseat this month due to the pursuit of other projects, I wanted to finish at least two more chapters of my RE8 fanfiction and I did. I was also hoping to publish one more chapter of my Darksiders fanfiction but due to other things that came up, I only managed to… Continue reading Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

Music and Bands

Festival of Horror – Long Live My Superbeast

Hey yeah! I haven't written about a concert in a long time! I haven't been to one since before COVID-19, hell, even when concerts slowly started to return at times, I still did not go because I didn't want to subject myself to crowds until it died down as well as cancellations due to restrictions.… Continue reading Festival of Horror – Long Live My Superbeast

Music and Bands

Screemwriters Guild Unleashed

It's been a long time since Lordi started a new era. During covid, the band put out a whopping seven albums, and I fell behind in the discography, perhaps from being overwhelmed by the new content and the fact that the last album was a disappointment sans a few songs. As usual, what I like… Continue reading Screemwriters Guild Unleashed

Music and Bands

The Wonders Still Awaiting – Stories of Worlds Reborn

Not only did we get a new album from Delain early in the year but Xandria, too. This just keeps getting better. Xandria was also a band that I thought was done for, but unlike Delain, they didn't completely split and get a bunch of new members. Xandria did change singers again, bringing in Ambre… Continue reading The Wonders Still Awaiting – Stories of Worlds Reborn

Music and Bands

Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

It's another month gone and the biggest highlight for me this month is I purchased my first car which I love. It feels good to be able to get around more easily as before I was just walking, taking the bus or getting a lift which is more time-consuming. You can imagine a lot of… Continue reading Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

Music and Bands

My Favourite Metal Mascots

I love talking about all things metal and now it's time to share another aspect that I love about the genre. While I love some bands that have a strong visual image like KISS, Lordi, Ghost, GWAR, etc. there are also bands that don't dress up on stage, but they do have a mascot that… Continue reading My Favourite Metal Mascots

Music and Bands

Mercy Dogs are Blue for Impact to Shake – Music of November 2022

It's the end of November so I'm shaking some things up with some songs I've got stuck in my head for a while, as well as a few guilty pleasures that I had no idea when I was going to add to this monthly post. I've had some ups and downs this month and I… Continue reading Mercy Dogs are Blue for Impact to Shake – Music of November 2022