TV Series

Windows To New Worlds

My new favourite series is back! I thought I wasn't going to get a new season this year due to obvious reasons, but they must have finished filming it long before the pandemic begun. I am excited because now I'm more familiar with the Multiverse after reading the first two books and I am currently… Continue reading Windows To New Worlds

Music and Bands

Shake His Delirium King of Life – Music of November 2019

I originally didn't want to do a monthly post because I didn't listen to a lot of music in November due to lots of personal things going on. But, sometimes I did find some solace in what I did listen to. So I'll get straight to it. I find that with the recent posts I've… Continue reading Shake His Delirium King of Life – Music of November 2019

TV Series

Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart

What is the cost of lies? I never thought I'd be writing about a series like this. But now, I am and there's lots to say. I originally was not interested in watching Chernobyl but I had suddenly changed my mind and gave it a go. Not sure why at first, but maybe it was… Continue reading Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart