
Too Early to Release the Fury? I Think Not!

This feels like cheating. I haven't officially met you yet, but the moment I saw you in the trailers: you're full of honor and loyalty, but sometimes you are aggressive. I knew I'm going to like you already. I'm almost done Darksiders II, which would have been sooner had I prioritized it a little more… Continue reading Too Early to Release the Fury? I Think Not!


The Super Happy Love Award

Well, look at this, another nomination and this time something totally new! Now we're talking. Michelle at A Geek Girl's Guide nominated me for this award. This is going to be fun to write because I love gushing about the things I love! Rules: Thank the person who tagged you, thank you so much Michelle!… Continue reading The Super Happy Love Award


Dragons of Rovaniemi

This is a two part dream and it feels super relieving to have this at the end of a workweek after having very bland or no dreams at all. In this dream, I was in Finland. Yes, Finland, you should know by now that it's a place I've always wanted to visit. Somehow, I already… Continue reading Dragons of Rovaniemi


The Red Horseman Rides Home

Well, I guess I didn't really do much thinking for very long! Whenever I want to buy an action figure of a character I love, I like to pick something that looks nice but is also affordable. I was originally going to wait for a high-quality company to put something out, but then I changed… Continue reading The Red Horseman Rides Home