Music and Bands

What I Listened to in 2022

It's that time of year again. People are letting an app track what they listen to and show them what they listened to the most by the final month of the calendar year. Meanwhile, I am sitting over here all old school letting my brain decipher from my own library of records to determine what… Continue reading What I Listened to in 2022

Music and Bands

Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022

Another month, another set of music to share. I didn't do much blogging in July because I was highly focused on one of my fanfiction projects which I put on hold many times, I even put it was discontinued but decided not to delete it. Then I pushed myself to work on it little by… Continue reading Falling Holy to the Escapade and Strutter with Fire – Music of July 2022