Music and Bands

Screemwriters Guild Unleashed

It's been a long time since Lordi started a new era. During covid, the band put out a whopping seven albums, and I fell behind in the discography, perhaps from being overwhelmed by the new content and the fact that the last album was a disappointment sans a few songs. As usual, what I like… Continue reading Screemwriters Guild Unleashed

Music and Bands

Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Why does April have to be a month of misfortunes for me? Last year it was my Instagram being hacked and this year I hurt my left thumb and began to experience episodes of sharp pain and inflammation. I went to my physiotherapist who gave me treatment and exercises to help it feel better and… Continue reading Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Music and Bands

Stand Red Hungry a Psychosocial Rebel – Music of January 2023

Welcome to the first edition of 2023! I decided to start writing this on Sunday since I was scheduled for a shift on the actual last day of this month so here we go. This month's songs are filled with nostalgia and emotion for me so it's going to be interesting. Some of the songs… Continue reading Stand Red Hungry a Psychosocial Rebel – Music of January 2023

Music and Bands

Angels Fall First – Enter the Symphony

I feel like doing another album review! Why not? Sometimes I just root through my collection either on the digital library or cupboard full of physicals and feel like doing another one for no real reason. So how about this time, we go with something really classic. The copy I have is a remastered version… Continue reading Angels Fall First – Enter the Symphony

Music and Bands

Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

When virtual shows became a thing last year, I originally shunned them because nothing can replace going to the event myself and seeing it all with my own eyes, even if there was still room for interaction because artists have to make money somehow in times like this. What made me change my mind was… Continue reading Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

Music and Bands

Sick of Life in the Deadite Abyss Phantom – Music of October 2020

October has been a month where I've either been happy or angry and the best way I can avoid the latter, is to not read the news! I must be the only person who finds that works for me, no the title of this post is not endorsing suicide, combining words in song titles is… Continue reading Sick of Life in the Deadite Abyss Phantom – Music of October 2020

Music and Bands

Killection Masks – Detailed Review

A new era of Lordi is upon us and I always look forward to beginning a detailed review of the band's new look. I'm not going to get rambling this time, but jump straight into it and finish up with my thoughts on the album title and tracks. So let's begin! Hiisi Starting with the… Continue reading Killection Masks – Detailed Review

Music and Bands

Nightwish 1-Year Anniversary Concert Experience

I just realized that today: September 20th is actually a day that brings back memories from the same day last year. Last year on this very day I went to see Nightwish live in Toronto. I was just getting in to Nightwish around that time and my friend who is a really big symphonic metal… Continue reading Nightwish 1-Year Anniversary Concert Experience