
Wandering Bride

Just when I finished writing my last dream, my brain decided to give me another! I'm not going to share the first half because it was very disturbing and upsetting so I'll keep it brief. I was walking through a shop and then a city wearing a long red and white outfit similar to the… Continue reading Wandering Bride


Meridian in Starlight

Avad is such a romantic and more and more in my dreams foreshadow the final battle to come. I had a series of dreams the other night and some of them were linked and others not so much. The first I remember was a scene from The Mummy Returns. I was in my house alone… Continue reading Meridian in Starlight


Metal Attraction

Dreams like these always give me more ideas for my current fanfiction projects that either make the final cut or don't. I am currently working on my Heisenberg fanfiction Metal Thunder after my last dream about Karl inspired me to begin it in the first place, but let's be honest, I was going to create… Continue reading Metal Attraction

Gaming, Life, Movies, TV Series

Fictional Characters I Want As Bodyguards

There are many characters that I love so much that I wish I could date them, kiss them, etc. but there are also some fictional characters that I love in a different way, that way is I love them like I want them as a pet or as a personal protector a.k.a a bodyguard. This… Continue reading Fictional Characters I Want As Bodyguards

Music and Bands

Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020

What creative titles I come up with when I write these posts! It's weird, but it's how I like to do it. Some people just simply put the music of the month thing, or they do something more general like "Currently...." yadda yadda, but I love using music to describe my life each month, so… Continue reading Candles and Trouble at the Arrival of the Army of Abaddon – Music of November 2020


An Arishok’s Love

The last romantic Arishok dream I had didn't make it onto this blog because I felt like it was too personal, and to some readers, they might perceive part of it as abuse before love, so I wrote it somewhere else more private heheh.... anyway, it's been too long since I had a Qunari-related dream.… Continue reading An Arishok’s Love


What Is a Girl to Do When She Wants a War?

Anybody could get the wrong impression by reading this and assuming I'm some kind of violent person. Well, that's NOT the case, I believe in peace on Earth. If you've been following my blog recently, you know what my current obsession is. It was just a normal day of casually browsing Facebook until an ad… Continue reading What Is a Girl to Do When She Wants a War?


Basalit-An You Are Also My Kadan

It's clear to me that I must have at least one dream about each of my Qunari crushes because the Maker knows I have a weakness for Qunari! The truth is I have a lot of Qunari dreams, but only a few of them make it to this blog. The rest of them go to… Continue reading Basalit-An You Are Also My Kadan